I opened by chance to some torn and ancient pages of the Poetical Works of EB Browning printed in 1844. I opened to some pages of three-lined stanzas of a poem called A Vision of Poets . . and I read it out loud to myself to discover the epic terrain, which you can listen to from a link below . .
As it begins, the Poet sets out to go to night . . instead of sleep . . as he has too much light behind his eyes for sleep and as he sets out, he first meets his 'Familiar' - the 'Spirit-kiss' of Earth's beauty he claims as his own; and he travels forth and meets then, an Angel - who will guide him to the experience of the world as it is. She guides him to drink from the pools of - World’s use; World’s love and World’s cruelty- and though she makes him drink from the pools of harsh reality and truth, she first assures him that she has come 'to crown all poets with their worth'. And further more, to show how: 'wrong will be made right'.
The poet cannot quite believe this possible, and states his concerns to the Angel:
'He brake in with a voice that mourned: /‘To their worth, Lady ? They are scorned / By men they sing for, till inurned.'
'To their worth ? – Beauty in the mind / Leaves the hearth cold, ... and love-refined Ambitions make the world unkind.'
But she is firm in her mission and takes him onward to free his spirit 'into verity'.
A Vision of Poets. Part 1-3 as read: (Into Verity. Agony. Name of One). Below is a photo/PDF of the Book Text from 1844 which you can download.